Kenyan billionaire Chris Kirubi has been a popular name over the years for his success and wealth. During a popular series, Ask Kirubi on the radio station Capital FM the well-known businessman and investor revealed that he began his journey as a successful businessman in property development before he ventured in other businesses. He continued to explain that he worked for an insurance company International House Limited as a salesperson before buying property owned by the company.
He used to sell policies for the company and when the company closed down its offices in Kenya, they offered to sell him the building and they helped and supported him spearhead talks with banks to help him buy the property. He said that investing in property was his foundation in his journey to success.
During his time real estate properties were cheap and easily accessible. This helped him get access to properties hence his strong establishment in the real estate business. He further said that properties were not expensive as they are right now and it was the easiest things to get into during his time. Right now it is almost impossible to buy property in Kenya. This is because of the growing infrastructure such as expansion and construction of roads and the current economic state of the country. He also added that it was easier to buy these properties if you had a friend working in a bank because it was easier to acquire loans.
“Investing in real estate property was my foundation in my journey to success.” Chris Kirubi
Chris Kirubi used to buy neglected properties, worked on them and gave them a facelift. He then sold them in the market. During that time there wasn’t much competition as there is now since not many people were involved in the Real Estate Market in Kenya hence it was a very profitable industry. Even though times have changed and the Real Estate Market is not performing well like before it is still one of the best industries to invest in since profits are promised in the long term.